Supporting our Learners

​​​At St Andrew's School, our holistic approach to learning allows many opportunities for student support both in and out of the learning spaces. 

The Learning Support Team

The Learning Suppot Team, consisting of the Guidance Counsellor, Support Teachers for Inclusive Education (STIE) and the Leadership Team, meet regularly to collaborate on student progress. Referrals to the Guidance Counsellor and the Learning Support Team are generally made via the classroom teacher.  The members of the Learning Support Team may:

  • meet with parents 
  • facilitate the verification process for students with an eligible diagnosis
  • liaise with allied health professionals​ if required
  • provide support and strategies to classroom teachers
  • collaboratively develop Individual Learning Plans
  • coordinate collection of NCCD data
  • run a lunch time "Games Room"​ / "Chill out space"

Support Teacher for Inclusive Education (STIE)

​​We have three (1 full time, 2 part time) Support Teachers for Inclusive Education at St Andrew's School.  These teachers work both with teachers and students to support those who have particular learning needs.   

​Guidance Counsellor

Our Guidance Counsellor works collaboratively with school staff, parents, and external services to support the social, emotional, and educational development of our students. When appropriate, the Guidance Counsellor may also work individually with students on understanding and removing barriers to their learning and overall wellbeing through counselling and/or psycho-educational assessments.


We have three co-teachers who work across all year levels to support the learning of all students.  Co-teachers support learning by: 

  • ​Releasing the classroom teacher to work with a small group of students
  • Working with a group of students on extension activities
  • Working with a group of students to scaffold their learning
  • Co-planning and co-teaching with teachers

​Defence School Mentor

Our Defence School Mentor (DSM) assists Australian Defence Force students and their families with changing schools, integrating into the school community and provides support during times of parental absence. ​

​​Cracking the Code​​​​​

​Cracking the Code supports indentified students to develop phonological and reading skills.  ​

Rainbow Reading Club

​Rainbow Reading Club is a great opportunity for our Year Six leaders to provide extra reading support  to emergent and early readers from Prep to Year Two.