One-to-One iPad Program

​​​St Andrew's is a school community striving to serve the needs of students in an authentic way. One of the school's key learning and teaching principles is to utilise innovative pedagogical practices that effectively integrate technology. The One-to-One iPad Program gives practical expression to this principle.  Our one-to-one program ​operates in Year 4 - Year 6. 

Our school aims to be a technology-rich school integrating technology into all curriculum areas to enhance learning.  In one-to-one learning, each student purchases an iPad through the school to use at school and at home, enabling communication and collaboration among peers and teachers, and connects parents to their child's learning. The One-to-One iPad Program is cutting edge and enables students to experience growth in many areas - self confidence, organisation, motivation to learn and learning in a range of modalities.



© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Andrew’s Ferny Grove (2023)​