This is the most important ingredient in the establishment of the home/school partnership. It is imperative that both school and home inform each other fully of the happenings that affect both elements of the partnership.

Issues Regarding Your Child
Should parents have concerns related to their child’s education, the first step would be to contact the teacher to arrange a suitable time to meet to discuss the issue. If parents feel that it is a broader school-based related issue, then, an appointment should be made to discuss the issue with the Principal in the first instance or alternatively with one of the Assistant Principals.
Absences from School
Should your child be absent from school on any occasion, it is the St Andrew's attendance policy that the parent/guardian notifies the school using the "Report Student Absence" via the Parent Portal or BCE Connect app. This is to be done before 9am on the day in question. This is necessary to ensure online attendance rolls are completed accurately.
In the case where a student is absent without any notification to the school, an SMS text message will be sent to parents advising them that their child has been marked as an "Unexplained Absence" and asking the parent to contact the school to advise the reason why. The text message process is a legal requirement to ensure the safety of your child.
For an absence of more than two days due to illness, a medical certificate is required for the student record.
Parents are to send advise via email to the office ( ) regarding students who will be away for any length of time (e.g. holidays/personal and family reasons) for it to be noted as a "Notified Absence" on the student record and a copy is required to be kept on the student file.
Late Arrivals and Early Departures
If children arrive late for class the parent and child first report to the school office and enter in the “Late for School” notice via the electronic ALLE reporting system. This information is automatically uploaded to the class roll in the form of a note next to the child’s name. Once the legal requirement of signing in is completed the child should move to the child’s designated classroom. If a child presents to the class without a “Late Notice” they will be asked to report to the office for a Late Notice.
For early departures parents should report to the school office and enter a “Leave Early” notice via the electronic ALLE reporting system. Office staff may ring to inform the teachers of the child’s class, if teacher is not aware of this departure. The child will then meet with the parent at the school office.
It is a legal requirement that all children are signed in or out during school time.
School Newsletter
The newsletter is put together on a fortnightly basis and distributed to parents via email on every alternate Thursday. It is also uploaded to the Parent Portal.
Phone Calls
At times parents may wish to speak to the class teacher or want to give a message to their child. Our school secretaries will take messages when necessary. Your child’s teacher will reply at an appropriate time.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Andrew’s Ferny Grove (2023)